A consultation is currently underway about the future of the Mary Towerton School, Studley Green. For a number of years the school has been undersubscribed, with a capacity of 98 as of September 2022, the school had 33 pupils, with 8 pupils across Key Stage 1 (i.e. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2). Despite the best efforts of governors, staff and Buckinghamshire Council support, the process for closure has been started, although no decision to close the school has yet been made.
If you would like to make a response to the consultation you have until midnight on 2nd April.
You can find out more about the consultation and how you can make a response at www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/the-mary-towerton-school
If you would like to reply in writing you can do so by sending it to The School Commissioning Team, Buckinghamshire Council, 1st Floor, Walton Street Office, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UZ or emailing themarytowertonconsultation@buckinghamshire.gov.uk