A recent incident in High Wycombe, where a resident was fined £300 for dumping a mattress on a street, showcases the effective enforcement under the Conservative-led Buckinghamshire Council. Captured on CCTV, this act of fly-tipping met swift justice, emphasizing Buckinghamshire Council's zero-tolerance policy.
Bucks Council are serious about keeping Buckinghamshire clean and safe. With robust surveillance and a hike in fly-tipping fines to £1,000, they are sending a clear message: illegal dumping has no place in our community.
It is important that we work together to maintain our beautiful neighbourhoods together. If you witness fly-tipping please report it to Buckinghamshire Council’s Enforcement Team via www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/fix-my-street. Stand with Buckinghamshire Council in protecting our environment and ensuring civic responsibility.